Get hands on with hand made pasta!

As one of the main ingredients for the Italian primo piatto or first course, pasta is used frequently in Italian cuisine. Known and eaten all over the world, pasta can be made in different ways, and can be served with a variety of sauces and other ingredients. There are many different types of pasta, and every region has its own particular type.Tuscany is no exception, with its filled pasta, tortelli, as well as papparedelle; a pasta similar to tagliatelle but fatter!
Depending on where you go in Italy, you’ll discover a slightly different way to make pasta. Down in the south, they tend to use semolina flour and water, whereas in the northern regions, flour and eggs are used. You may be thinking that it could be rather a hassle to make your own pasta, but imagine the fun you could have, and the sense of pride you will experience after having made your very own version! Italians are passionate about cooking, so take a leaf out of their book and put some love into your cooking!
The process of making handmade pasta requires a minimum of ingredients, and although it may create a maximum of mess, that’s all part of the fun! For the basic egg and flour handmade pasta recipe, you can follow the ratio of 1 egg to every 100g of flour. So if you have four pasta munchers at the ready, you’ll need 4 eggs and 400g of flour, plus a pinch of salt. Simple! If you can get your hands on the Italian type ’00′ flour, do it. This very finely milled flour is super soft and perfect for pasta. The traditional way of making pasta involves putting the eggs into a heap of flour, creating a sort of volcano. To mix, start pulling in the flour to form your dough. Messy, but enjoyable!
You can then start kneading your dough, until it becomes a supple, almost elastic ball. You can even throw it about a bit, and get rid of any stress you may have! After about 10 minutes, let it rest for half an hour, before rolling it out, either using a pasta machine or a rolling pin. Get it nice and thin before cutting it into a variety of shapes. It can then be cooked (a couple of minutes in boiling, salted water), dried or frozen.
What better way to start your Italian culinary experience than with a cooking class in Tuscany? You can have a go at making your own handmade pasta, pasta sauces and a typical Italian dessert. Not only that, but you’ll get to eat it all afterwards as well! Are you getting hungry yet?!