Christmas in Florence is not to be missed. To celebrate the festive season, Florence’s streets and historic centre come alive with Christmas magic. Nativities of all shapes and sizes can be found in and around Florence. Many are lifelike and others are, well, actually alive!

Upon hearing the word ‘syndrome’, you are inclined to think of something bad, something negative, or something painful. Well, this particular syndrome, the ‘Stendhal Syndrome‘ is pretty bad, but funnily enough, it is borne out of seeing something so good.

As well as being famous for its legendary historical landmarks, excellent cuisine and incredible coffee, Italy is well known for its sense of style. If you were asked to name some famous fashion designers, chances are you would, possibly without even knowing it, name many Italians. Gucci? Italian. Prada? Italian. Valentino? Well, you get the drift. All big names, and normally with great big prices.

All over the world, there are a great number of incredible architectural structures. Many of them grand, elegant and vast in their size and influence. But there is one structure, one very famous piece of architecture than is known not for its grandness, elegance or size, but instead for the fact that it’s, well, totally imperfect.

Ask any Italian to name a fantastic Italian film and you can almost guarantee they will say ‘La Vita è Bella!‘ (whilst gesticulating wildly to express just how good the film really is). And what makes this film so great? Well, it’s not only the touching story of a Jewish man, finding ways to help his son survive the horrors of a concentration camp during 1930′s occupied Italy, but the actor who plays this particular man: Roberto Benigni.